Jurassic World™: The Game – Tips & Tricks To Build A Theme Park

Jurassic World: The game is an action-adventure game where players are tasked to create the greatest dinosaur theme park by collecting, hatching, breeding, feeding, and evolving various species of dinosaurs based on the hit film Jurassic Park. You will be able to work together with some of the iconic characters from the film.

Build your theme park from the ground up and as you build your theme park from the ground up. For a more thrilling theme park, players get to battle dinosaurs in the Battle Arena where players get to collect awesome rewards.

Tips and Tricks for Jurassic World: The Game

Here are some tips and tricks that will help you get through Jurassic World: The Game.

Start Missions As Soon As They Become Available

You will progress through the story when you start and finish missions. They are all simple tasks so make sure that when they appear, do them right away. A great rule of thumb is to do these missions while waiting for your resources to fill up.

How to Level Up Fast

There are many ways you can earn XP in the game, however, the easiest way to level up is to construct some buildings. When buildings are done, you will receive a decent amount of XP. if you aim to level up quickly without spending money. Remember to use only decorations

Build Up Charge Points

The best idea is to use your first action to build up the Charge Points. And whatever’s left from your Charge action, you should use it for Defense points. When doing this, you’ll have enough to release a strong attack on the second turn.

Switching Dinosaur

When the match is starting to get intense, it is a good idea to switch out your dinosaurs. This will cost you battle points, however, it’ll give you an edge during the battle or a fighting chance if the one you switch is stronger than the previous.

Sacrifice Dinosaur

Keep one dinosaur in your group only for the purpose of building up battle points. Use this sacrificial dinosaur first and let them build charge points. It should be a weak dinosaur to give the others opportunities to land stronger attacks on enemies.

Use Your Battle Points Wisely

You can use your first turn on attack and defense only if you have a massive advantage over the enemy. But if you and the opponent have even matched dinosaurs, you might opt to spend your first turn just charging up your points so your next turn, the dinosaurs will get to release a 1=hit kill.

Log in Every Day

With every free-to-play game, one of the viable ways to earn rewards is to log-in every single day. This way, you’ll get a free mystery pack that unlocks every five hours. They grant all sorts of useful items, so be sure to check them out.

Complete Buildings As Soon As Possible

There are missions in the game where you are tasked to build certain buildings. Spend your in-game currency on these buildable and complete all available missions and you’ll see these buildings will return your coins in no time and the coin production will be more.

Follow these tips and you will have the most thrilling dinosaur theme park there is!

About Leo Leo

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